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Print Popular Tunes (Last 3 Months)


Title Last Played Type Key Chords MP3
Cherry Tree
Confluence John Illingworth, The
Orevalsen 2019-11-03
After the Dance 2018-11-29 Ador
Wull Broons Strathspey 2018-11-29 Amin
Spokane Waltz 2018-11-11 Bmin
Back Road to Enumclaw, The 2018-11-29 D
Black Velvet Band 2013-11-26 D
Carnival Reel, The (?) 2018-11-29 D
Lowland Lads Think They Are Fine, The D
Red Stripe (By Marrilee Schulz) (?) G
6 penny money 2024-06-30
Arkansas Traveler 2018-11-11
Blackberry Blossoms 2018-11-11
College of Piping Summerside PEI (?) 2018-11-29
Cormac o Beaglaioch (?)
Dance Piper, The (?) 2018-11-29
Deil's Awa Wi' The Exciseman, The 2018-11-29
Fairy Reel 2024-07-27
Famous Baxavan, The 2018-10-15
Far From Home 2023-03-03
Flying Home to Shelly 2024-07-12
Haining, The (?) 2018-11-29
Home With the Girls (?) 2018-11-10
House on Summit Road, The (?) 2018-11-29
Huey Shortys Reel (?) 2022-02-20
Kisses From Maisie (?) 2018-11-29
Little Red Ford, The (?) 2018-11-29
Mountain Bluebird, The (?) 2018-11-29
Mr Glavin's (?)
Ms Rose (?) 2018-11-29
Night Drive on Five (?) 2018-11-29
On the Fiddle
Out of Bounds (?) 2018-11-29
Porthole of the Kelp 2023-10-30
Put Your Little Foot 2023-10-20
Red Wing (?) 2018-11-11
Rob Fraser's Welcome to San Francisco
Staten Island Reel 2018-11-10
taim in arrears 2024-09-01
The Hut 2024-07-12
Farewell to Craigie Dhu 2022-04-15 Barndance
Mountains of Pomeroy 2021-10-17 Barndance
Corn Rigs 2018-11-10 Barndance D
Dawning of the Day 2019-02-08 Barndance D
Mill, Mill, O, The 2018-11-29 Barndance D
Road to Batoche 2020-03-25 Barndance D YouTube MP3
MacPhersons Farewell 2018-11-29 Barndance Dmix
MacPhersons Rant 2018-11-29 Barndance Dmix
Bill Malley's Barndance 2024-03-08 Barndance G
Gypsy Princess 2024-03-08 Barndance G
Joe Banes 2024-08-18 Barndance G
Belfast Hornpipe 2022-01-16 Hornpipe
Devils Toenail 2022-01-30 Hornpipe
Fairys Hornpipe (Fairies Hornpipe) 2023-10-02 Hornpipe
Galway Hornpipe 2024-09-29 Hornpipe
Kittys Wedding 2024-09-29 Hornpipe
Man from Troghan 2022-05-15 Hornpipe
Miss Thomsens 2022-06-19 Hornpipe
Navvy on the Line 2019-12-23 Hornpipe
Rodneys Glory 2022-02-13 Hornpipe
Sack of Barley Hornpipe 2024-08-12 Hornpipe
Saratoga Hornpipe 2021-04-27 Hornpipe
President Garfield's 2019-02-07 Hornpipe A
Walsh's Hornpipe Hornpipe A
Johnny Cope 2018-11-29 Hornpipe Ador
Loch Leven Castle 2018-11-29 Hornpipe Ador
Blackbird 2022-05-01 Hornpipe D
Boys of Blue Hill 2024-09-12 Hornpipe D YouTube MP3
Chief O'Neils 2024-09-12 Hornpipe D
Fisher's Hornpipe, The 2024-09-12 Hornpipe D
Greencastle Hornpipe 2019-11-10 Hornpipe D
Harvest Home 2024-08-25 Hornpipe D YouTube MP3
Home Ruler, The 2024-09-29 Hornpipe D
Humours of Castle Bernart 2019-01-20 Hornpipe D
Hut on Staffin Island Hornpipe D
Job of Journeywork 2019-02-08 Hornpipe D
Maxwells Bonnet 2018-11-29 Hornpipe D
Plains of Boyle 2023-08-07 Hornpipe D
Soldier's Joy 2020-03-25 Hornpipe D YouTube MP3
Sonny Murray's Hornpipe 2019-04-21 Hornpipe D
Tailor's Twist Hornpipe D
Londubh agus an céirseach, An 2019-03-03 Hornpipe Dmix
An Paistin Fionn 2022-05-15 Hornpipe Edor
King of the Fairies 2019-06-23 Hornpipe Edor
Brown Coffin, The Hornpipe Emin
An Buachaill Dreoite Hornpipe 2019-12-23 Hornpipe G
Bill Spence's Hing 2020-03-15 Hornpipe G
Caisleán An Óir 2024-06-30 Hornpipe G
Cronin's 2023-08-07 Hornpipe G
Cuckoo 2024-06-10 Hornpipe G
Fowler on the Moor 2019-12-23 Hornpipe G
Good Natured Man, The 2023-08-14 Hornpipe G
Green Tea Hornpipe 2019-04-21 Hornpipe G
Humours of Tullycrine (Bobby Casey's) 2024-09-29 Hornpipe G
Off to California 2024-08-25 Hornpipe G YouTube MP3
Peacock's Feathers, The 2023-10-02 Hornpipe G YouTube MP3
Rights of Man, The 2024-08-12 Hornpipe G YouTube MP3
Sailor's Hornpipe, The 2020-03-25 Hornpipe G YouTube MP3
Staten Island Hornpipe 2023-03-03 Hornpipe G
Bouchards 2022-04-14 Jig
Brian O Lynn 2020-03-15 Jig
Campbell River Jig 2020-03-01 Jig
Cherish the Ladies 2022-04-03 Jig
Condons Frolics 2020-09-26 Jig
Cordal Jig 2023-08-18 Jig
Creel of Turf 2022-02-27 Jig
Dancing Eyes 2020-01-12 Jig
Forest Wedding 2021-04-27 Jig
Frog in the Well 2021-09-05 Jig
Frost is all over 2023-07-18 Jig
Garry Owens (Gary Owens) 2022-08-21 Jig
Girl From the Big House 2022-03-13 Jig
Good Humored and Fairly Tipsy 2020-03-01 Jig
Hardimans Fancy / Joe Derrane's 2023-11-07 Jig
Haunted House 2020-01-05 Jig
Helvic Head 2022-05-15 Jig
Hungry Rock 2023-01-15 Jig
Jerry Beavers Hat 2022-09-18 Jig
Jump at the Sun 2022-12-04 Jig
Leitrim Fancy 2024-06-30 Jig
Luck Penny 2020-03-15 Jig
MacIntyres Fancy 2019-12-15 Jig
Monahan, The Jig 2020-01-09 Jig
Mouse in the Kitchen 2022-09-11 Jig
Naomi's Jig (?) 2018-11-29 Jig
Paddys Leather Breeches 2022-04-14 Jig
Petticoat Loose 2019-12-23 Jig
Scarce o Tatties 2021-04-27 Jig
Shores of Loch Gowan 2022-08-14 Jig
Sliabh Russel 2024-03-08 Jig
Sporting Pitchfork 2023-11-14 Jig
Spotted Dog 2023-08-28 Jig
Strayaway Child 2022-05-15 Jig
Strop the Razor 2022-04-15 Jig
Tatter Jack Walsh 2022-01-16 Jig
Tell Her I Am (Humours of Ballymore) 2023-07-22 Jig
Tony Rowes 2022-08-21 Jig
Up and About in the Morning 2020-03-15 Jig
Visit to Ireland, A 2022-04-24 Jig
Wedding, The - Jig 2023-01-15 Jig
Will You Come Home With Me 2024-06-30 Jig
Yellow John 2019-12-29 Jig
Blackthorn Stick, The 2019-02-07 Jig A
Health to the Ladies 2023-10-13 Jig A
Market Town, The 2024-08-18 Jig A
Mrs Galvins 2019-12-23 Jig A
Paddy's Return From Glasgow 2023-06-17 Jig A
Stan Chapman Jig A
Steamboat, The Jig A
Stool of Repentance 2020-03-25 Jig A YouTube MP3
Boc Liath Nan Gobhar (The Further The Deeper) 2018-11-29 Jig Ador
Cliffs of Moher 2024-08-12 Jig Ador YouTube MP3
Humours of Ballinafauna 2022-12-18 Jig Ador YouTube MP3
King of the Pipers 2022-06-05 Jig Ador
Munster Buttermilk (Boats of Killaloe) 2024-03-08 Jig Ador YouTube MP3
Peeler and the Goat 2022-12-14 Jig Ador
Pipe Major Donald MacLean of Lewis 2018-11-29 Jig Ador
Reverend Brother's Jig, The 2024-09-29 Jig Ador
Scully Casey's 2018-11-10 Jig Ador
Tom Billy's 2024-09-01 Jig Ador
Winnie Hayes's Jig 2020-01-05 Jig Ador
Road To Mount Tinnie Run, The Jig Am
Full Rigged Ship, The 2024-08-25 Jig Amin YouTube MP3
Black Rogue, The 2024-09-01 Jig Amix
Joe Derrane's Jig Bmin
Up in the Air 2024-03-08 Jig Bmin
Castle, The (Sean Ryan's Jig) 2024-08-12 Jig C YouTube MP3
Coleraine 2019-02-07 Jig C YouTube MP3
Flowers of Spring, The 2019-04-07 Jig C
Hole in the Hedge, The 2018-09-23 Jig C
Price of My Pig, The 2023-10-09 Jig C
Robins Nest, The 2019-10-27 Jig C
Apples in Winter 2024-03-08 Jig D YouTube MP3
Arran Boat 2022-07-03 Jig D YouTube MP3
Battering Ram, The 2024-08-18 Jig D
Behind the Haystack 2024-09-12 Jig D YouTube MP3
Blarney Pilgrim, The 2024-09-01 Jig D YouTube MP3
Calliope House 2024-02-29 Jig D YouTube MP3
Cats Meow 2019-02-07 Jig D
Charlie Hunter 2019-10-27 Jig D YouTube MP3
Connaughtman's Rambles, The 2024-08-25 Jig D YouTube MP3
Contentment is Wealth 2019-04-07 Jig D
Cunla (The Frieze Breeches) 2022-05-23 Jig D
Dan Collin's Father's 2021-10-31 Jig D
Dermot Grogan's 2019-11-03 Jig D
Doctor O'Neal's 2023-11-07 Jig D
Fair Jenny's Jig 2024-07-22 Jig D
Fanny Power (Fanny Poer) 2024-06-02 Jig D YouTube MP3
Father O'Flynn 2019-02-07 Jig D
Gander in the Pratie Hole 2024-11-03 Jig D
Geese in the Bog 2021-11-07 Jig D
Gillian's Apples Jig D
Haste to the Wedding 2024-05-26 Jig D YouTube MP3
Hawthorne Hedge 2023-10-02 Jig D
Humours of Glendart (East at Glendart) 2024-03-08 Jig D YouTube MP3
Humours of Trim 2024-10-17 Jig D YouTube MP3
I Buried My Wife and Danced on Top of Her 2024-10-17 Jig D YouTube MP3
Ingonish Jig D YouTube MP3
Jimmy Ward's 2024-09-12 Jig D YouTube MP3
John D Burgess 2018-11-29 Jig D
Joyce's Jig 2018-11-29 Jig D
Kilfenora 2 2023-04-24 Jig D
Kinnegard Slashers, The 2019-02-07 Jig D
Kitty Lie Over (Paddy's Return) 2024-07-27 Jig D YouTube MP3
Langstrom's Pony 2020-03-25 Jig D YouTube MP3
Lark in the Morning 2024-10-17 Jig D YouTube MP3
Lemonville 2018-11-29 Jig D
Mickey Callaghan's Slide 2023-10-20 Jig D
Moon and Seven Stars, The 2024-09-12 Jig D YouTube MP3
Moon Coin 2023-09-25 Jig D
Morrison's Jig 2024-10-17 Jig D YouTube MP3
Mucking O' Geordie's Byre, The 2019-02-07 Jig D
My Darling Asleep 2024-09-12 Jig D YouTube MP3
My Wifes a Wanton Wee Thing 2018-11-29 Jig D
O'Carolan's Fancy 2019-12-15 Jig D
Peter's Peerie Boat Jig D
Pullet that Wants the Cock 2019-12-23 Jig D
Rambling Pitchfork, The 2024-07-22 Jig D
Road to Banff, The 2018-10-15 Jig D
Road to Coolea, The 2019-02-07 Jig D
Rolling Waves, The 2024-10-17 Jig D YouTube MP3
Rose in the Heather, The 2024-09-29 Jig D
Sarah's Jig 2023-08-18 Jig D
Seamus Ennis' Jig 2022-05-08 Jig D
Sean Bui 2023-05-15 Jig D
Shandon Bells 2024-08-18 Jig D
Smash the Windows 2024-03-08 Jig D YouTube MP3
Sport 2020-03-15 Jig D
Strike the Gay Harp 2019-09-15 Jig D
Tar Road to Sligo 2024-06-10 Jig D
Tobin's Favourite 2024-08-25 Jig D YouTube MP3
Trip to Athlone, The 2024-09-12 Jig D
Trip to Sligo 2023-07-07 Jig D YouTube MP3
Tripping Up the Stairs 2024-08-25 Jig D YouTube MP3
Walls of Liscarroll, The 2019-10-01 Jig D YouTube MP3
Water Under The Keel Jig D
When Sick Is It Tea That You Want 2024-07-27 Jig D
Whistling Postman, The (or The Kerry) Jig D
Wi a Hundred Pipers 2020-03-01 Jig D
You Carefree Young Lads Jig D YouTube MP3
Cavers of Kirkcudbright Jig Dm
Bill Harte's Jig 2023-06-25 Jig Dmix
Fraher's Jig 2024-09-29 Jig Dmix
Hag With the Money 2023-07-07 Jig Dmix
Hag With the Purse 2023-07-07 Jig Dmix
Blackberry Festival Footrace Jig Dm^c
All The Rage 2018-10-15 Jig E
Andy De Jarlis 2023-06-13 Jig E
Gallagher's Frolicks 2023-07-18 Jig Edor
He's O'er the Hills That I Lo'e Weel 2018-11-29 Jig Edor
John Bradys Jig Edor
Banks of Lough Gowna 2022-06-19 Jig Em
New Hands 2022-01-30 Jig Em
Cullen House 2018-11-29 Jig F
Planxty Drew 2019-03-16 Jig F
An Buachaill Dreoite Jig 2019-12-23 Jig G
Anthony Frawley's Jig G
Banish Misfortune 2024-09-01 Jig G YouTube MP3
Bogs of Allen (Butcher's Fancy) 2023-10-13 Jig G
Bonnie Dundee 2020-03-01 Jig G
Brendan Tonra's Jig 2023-12-19 Jig G
Bundle and Go 2019-12-15 Jig G
Burnt Old Man 2019-11-03 Jig G
Con Cassidy's 2023-11-14 Jig G YouTube MP3
Connie O'Connell's Jig 2022-05-15 Jig G
Cook in the Kitchen 2024-07-27 Jig G
Crabs in the Skillet 2019-11-03 Jig G
Down the Back Lane 2023-09-25 Jig G
Dusty Windowsills, The 2024-10-17 Jig G YouTube MP3
Garrett Barry's - Jig 2024-09-29 Jig G YouTube MP3
Garster's Dream Jig G
Gold Ring 2024-02-29 Jig G
Grace Hay's Delight Jig G
Hag in the Churn, The 2024-09-01 Jig G YouTube MP3
Haymaker, The Jig G
Hearty Boys of Ballymote 2019-02-07 Jig G
Humours of Ballyloughlin, The 2024-10-17 Jig G YouTube MP3
Humours of Enistymon (Coppers and Brass) 2019-02-07 Jig G
Humours of Kiltyklogher (Kilclogher) 2024-10-17 Jig G YouTube MP3
Humours of Lisheen 2019-12-08 Jig G
Indian Point 2019-03-17 Jig G
Irish Washer Woman 2023-06-09 Jig G YouTube MP3
Jack Coens Jig 2019-12-23 Jig G
Jig of Slurs, The 2019-02-07 Jig G
John McHugh's 2023-07-18 Jig G
Joy of My Life (Humours of Donnybrook Fair) 2024-09-12 Jig G YouTube MP3
Kerfunten Jig 2024-09-12 Jig G YouTube MP3
Kesh Jig, The 2024-08-18 Jig G YouTube MP3
Killavil, The 2023-10-16 Jig G YouTube MP3
Lannigan's Ball 2019-02-07 Jig G
Legacy Jig, The 2019-12-23 Jig G
Lilting Banshee 2024-09-29 Jig G YouTube MP3
Maggie Browns Favourite 2023-02-05 Jig G
Maho Snaps, The 2019-02-08 Jig G YouTube MP3
Maid at the Spinning Wheel 2023-07-07 Jig G
Maid in the Meadow, The 2021-11-07 Jig G YouTube MP3
Men of Pen-Dref 2020-03-01 Jig G
Mist On The Mountain, The 2024-06-10 Jig G
Mouse in the Cupboard 2022-09-11 Jig G YouTube MP3
Mrs. Oswald of Auchincruive's Favorite Reel (Jig) Jig G
Mug of Brown Ale, The 2022-04-14 Jig G
Murray River, The 2019-11-03 Jig G
Nightingale, The 2019-02-07 Jig G
O'Sullivan's March 2019-12-23 Jig G
Old Favourite, The 2024-08-18 Jig G YouTube MP3
Old Hag You Have Killed Me 2024-03-08 Jig G YouTube MP3
Old Man Dillon 2019-04-21 Jig G
One Horned Sheep Jig G
Orphan Jig 2021-12-19 Jig G
Out on the Ocean 2024-10-17 Jig G YouTube MP3
Over the Water to Charlie 2018-12-16 Jig G
Paddy Breen's Jig G
Paddy's Resource Jig G
Pay the Reckoning 2024-09-01 Jig G
Peggy MacDougalls 2019-08-25 Jig G
Pipe on the Hob 1 (Happy, 2-part) 2024-09-12 Jig G YouTube MP3
Pipe on the Hob 2 (Minor 3 Part) 2024-09-29 Jig G YouTube MP3
Planxty Irwin 2022-10-02 Jig G YouTube MP3
Queen of the Rushes 2024-07-27 Jig G
Rakes of Kildare, The 2024-03-08 Jig G
Return Home, The 2024-05-16 Jig G
Roaring Barmaid, The 2022-02-13 Jig G
Rolling Down the Hill Jig G
Rosewood 2019-02-08 Jig G
Saddle the Pony 2024-09-12 Jig G YouTube MP3
Sailor's Wife (New Shields) 2019-01-06 Jig G
Saint Patrick's Day 2020-03-01 Jig G YouTube MP3
Scatter the Mud 2024-08-18 Jig G YouTube MP3
Seanamhach Tube Station 2019-10-01 Jig G
Ship in Full Sail 2019-02-07 Jig G
Snug in the Blanket 2021-04-27 Jig G YouTube MP3
Swallowtail, The 2024-06-02 Jig G YouTube MP3
Tenpenny Bit, The 2023-10-02 Jig G YouTube MP3
Three Sea Captains, The 2019-02-08 Jig G
Timmy Cliffords 2022-10-09 Jig G
Wallop the Potlid 2019-02-08 Jig G
When the Cock Crows It Is Day Jig G
White Petticoat 2022-07-10 Jig G
Willy Coleman's 2024-08-25 Jig G
Woodcock, The 2023-11-07 Jig G
Yellow Wattle, The 2019-04-07 Jig G
Paddy Fahy's Jigs 2024-06-02 Jig Gdor
Mrs McGhee 2020-05-13 Jig Gmix
Scotland the Brave 2023-12-11 March
Some Say the Devil is Dead 2021-07-11 March
Atholl Highlanders 2024-08-18 March A YouTube MP3
Brian Boru's March 2024-03-08 March D YouTube MP3
March Of The Kings Of Laois 2024-08-18 March Dmix YouTube MP3
Return from Fingal 2020-02-09 March Fdor
Parnells March 2024-07-27 March G
Patty Ann 2024-03-08 March G YouTube MP3
Michaels Mazurka 2021-04-27 Mazurka
Sonny's Mazurka 2024-06-10 Mazurka D
Donegal Mazurka 2024-08-25 Mazurka G
Biddy Martins 2024-06-10 Polka
Captain Bings 2021-10-10 Polka
Charlie Harris 2023-08-28 Polka
Denis Murphys Polka 2024-06-10 Polka
Ger the Rigger 2024-06-10 Polka
Goat's Polka 2023-08-28 Polka
Jamie Allen 2022-04-14 Polka
Johnny Mickeys Polka 2020-01-09 Polka
Keel Row 2021-07-11 Polka
Magic Slip Polka 2020-01-09 Polka
Miss MacDermott 2021-10-27 Polka
Newmarket Polka 2019-11-14 Polka
Patrick Scanlons 2023-08-18 Polka
Rakes of Mallow 2022-02-13 Polka
Tom Sullivans 2019-11-14 Polka
Bill Sullivan Polka 2022-05-22 Polka A YouTube MP3
Daly's Mill 2019-02-08 Polka A
Mickey Chewing Bubblegum 2024-09-12 Polka A
Spanish Lady 2019-02-08 Polka A
Tolka Polka 2024-09-12 Polka Am YouTube MP3
Greenwood Side Polka Bm
Barren Rocks of Aden, The 2018-11-29 Polka D
Britches Full of Stitches 2023-07-15 Polka D YouTube MP3
Egan's Polka (The Kerry Polka?) 2024-07-22 Polka D YouTube MP3
Finnish Polka, The (Ievan's Polkka) 2024-07-22 Polka D YouTube MP3
Four Pound Cheque, The 2019-02-08 Polka D
Jenny Lind Polka 2020-03-01 Polka D
John Ryan's 2024-06-10 Polka D YouTube MP3
Little Diamond, The - Polka 2021-10-31 Polka D YouTube MP3
Mairi's Wedding 2019-02-08 Polka D
Roosky Polka 2019-12-23 Polka D
Stone's Throw, A Polka D YouTube MP3
Teribus Polka D
Too Young to Marry (My Love She's But a Lassie Yet) 2022-04-03 Polka D YouTube MP3
New Potato Polka Polka Dm
Song of the Chanter 2019-11-25 Polka Dmix
After The Battle Of Aughrim 2023-01-15 Polka G
Ballinafad Polka 2019-12-23 Polka G
Ballydesmond No 1 2024-10-17 Polka G YouTube MP3
Ballydesmond No 2 2024-10-17 Polka G YouTube MP3
Ballydesmond No 3 2024-10-17 Polka G YouTube MP3
Boreraig Osprey, The 2018-11-29 Polka G
Chanter's Song, The 2019-02-08 Polka G
Donald Cameron's Polka Polka G
Farewell to Whiskey 2023-03-03 Polka G
Glen Cottage (Denis Doody's Polka) 2024-07-27 Polka G YouTube MP3
I Looked East And I Looked West 2024-07-22 Polka G
Jessicas Polka 2024-07-22 Polka G YouTube MP3
John Walshs Polka 2019-02-08 Polka G
Lord Mayo 2022-07-24 Polka G
Maggie in the Woods 2019-02-08 Polka G
Many a Wild Night 2019-02-08 Polka G
Mary Brennan's Favourite 2019-12-23 Polka G
Peg Ryan's Polka (Mrs Ryan's Polka) 2023-12-11 Polka G YouTube MP3
Ballinafad Reel 2023-01-29 Reel
Billy Brockers 2022-05-23 Reel
Bobby Casey's Reel 2022-04-15 Reel
Bottom of the Punch Bowl 2022-08-07 Reel
Boy in the Boat 2024-07-22 Reel
Boy in the Gap 2024-07-22 Reel
Boys of Ballysadare Reel
Bunch of Keys (Farewell to Milltown) 2023-10-02 Reel
Cregg's Pipes / Gregg's Pipes 2023-11-07 Reel
Crowley Reel 2 2024-09-12 Reel
Danny Boy 2020-03-01 Reel
Danse Breton 2022-07-24 Reel
Dawn, The 2024-09-12 Reel
Devils of Dublin 2019-12-23 Reel
Dick Gossip 2023-08-14 Reel
Dublin Porter 2019-12-23 Reel
Dublin Reel 2022-08-07 Reel
Fairheaded Mary 2022-08-07 Reel
Fionnghuala 2022-05-23 Reel
Four Courts 2022-02-20 Reel
Four Mile Stone 2024-09-12 Reel
Galway Shawl, The 2022-02-13 Reel
Gilbert Clancys Reel 2023-08-18 Reel
Glen of Aherlow 2022-04-24 Reel
Glen Road to Carrick 2022-05-15 Reel
Guiry's Favorite 2019-12-23 Reel
Humours of Loughrea, The 2022-05-23 Reel
I Am Not Fed Up with the Pacific Ocean 2021-04-27 Reel
Lady Anne Montgomery 2024-06-02 Reel
Lady of the Lake 2023-01-15 Reel
Maid in the Cherry Tree 2019-12-23 Reel
Maid of Coolmore, The 2022-05-23 Reel
Man from Bundoran 2023-04-24 Reel
Molly Ban (Fair Haired Molly) 2023-11-14 Reel
Monymusk 2024-03-08 Reel
New Policeman (Belles Of Tipperary) 2022-07-24 Reel
Old Copperplate, The 2024-03-08 Reel
Old French 2022-08-28 Reel
Paddy Fahys Reel 2024-07-12 Reel
Porter Bay 2022-04-14 Reel
Providence Reel 2022-06-12 Reel
Punters Graveyard 2022-06-19 Reel
Ramnee Ceilidh 2022-02-20 Reel
Red Crow 2024-09-12 Reel
Red House of Cardiff 2020-03-01 Reel
Road to Lisdoonvarna Reel 2023-03-03 Reel
Rolling in the Rye Grass 2023-12-19 Reel
Scotch Mary 2022-05-22 Reel
Shaskeen Reel 2023-04-24 Reel
Sleeping Tune, The 2022-07-24 Reel
Speed the Plough 2023-08-28 Reel
Steampacket 2024-09-29 Reel
Tap Room 2022-04-10 Reel
Traveller, The 2024-03-08 Reel
Wedding Reel 2024-09-01 Reel
Windmill, The 2022-06-19 Reel
Belle Catherine, La Reel A
Bennachie Sunrise 2019-11-03 Reel A YouTube MP3
Bow-Legged Bosun, The Reel A
Contradiction, The Reel A
Easy Club Reel, The 2018-11-29 Reel A
Fly-Fishing Reel, The Reel A
Froggie on the Carport Reel A
Gladstone, The Reel A
High Road to Linton Reel A
Jack Daniels Reel A
John Keith Laing 2018-11-29 Reel A
Mason's Apron, The 2024-03-08 Reel A
Miss Gunning's Rant (The Contradiction) Reel A
Mortgage Burn Reel A YouTube MP3
Old Peter Street Reel A
Reconcilliation, The 2022-12-04 Reel A
Saint Antoine, Reel du 2024-03-08 Reel A YouTube MP3
Sligo Creek 2019-03-17 Reel A
Trettondedags Marschen 2018-10-15 Reel A
Willie Davie 2022-06-12 Reel A
Ye'll no' Ca' in by Yon Toun 2020-04-13 Reel A
Bag of Spuds, The 2023-07-11 Reel Ador
Brenda Stubbert's 2024-05-26 Reel Ador YouTube MP3
Cailleach Beinn a Bhric (An T'Seann Cailleach?) 2018-11-29 Reel Ador
Curragh Races 2019-01-06 Reel Ador
Down the Broom 2024-03-08 Reel Ador
Farewell to Erin 2024-09-12 Reel Ador
John Doherty's Reel Ador
John McGinley's 2020-04-28 Reel Ador
Maids of Mont Cisco (Kisco) 2024-08-18 Reel Ador
New Mown Meadow 2024-10-17 Reel Ador
Old Torn Petticoat, The Reel Ador
Paddy on the Handcar Reel Ador
Rakish Paddy (or The Deer's Antlers) 2024-10-17 Reel Ador YouTube MP3
Rolling in the Barrell Reel Ador
Sailing Into Walpole's Marsh 2023-10-30 Reel Ador
Sean Sa Cheo (Sean Ca Ceo) 2020-03-15 Reel Ador
Swallow, The Reel Ador
Bus Stop Reel 2019-08-25 Reel Am
Gale, The 2018-11-10 Reel Am
Tam Lin (The Glasgow) 2024-04-04 Reel Am YouTube MP3
Bulgarian Red 2018-11-10 Reel Amin
Knockdu 2024-05-26 Reel Amin
Falls of Shin, The 2018-11-29 Reel Amix
Green Groves of Erin, The 2024-03-08 Reel Amix
High Reel 2022-02-20 Reel Amix
O'Rourkes 2022-02-27 Reel Amix
Red Haired Boy, The 2020-03-25 Reel Amix
Separation of Soul and Body 2020-04-05 Reel Bb YouTube MP3
Forfar Hunt, The 2018-11-29 Reel Bdor
Ale is Dear, The 2018-11-29 Reel Bmin
Almost There 2018-11-29 Reel Bmin
Girl Who Broke My Heart, The 2023-10-30 Reel C
Jenny's Welcome to Charlie 2023-01-29 Reel C
Michael Kennedy's 2019-07-07 Reel C
Sergeant Early's Dream 2019-03-17 Reel C
Stride, The Reel C YouTube MP3
Sweeneys Buttermilk 2023-07-11 Reel C
Tom Doherty's Reel C
Tom Ward's Downfall 2019-02-07 Reel C
250 To Vigo 2023-03-03 Reel D
Anderson's Reel D
Appropriate Dipstick, The 2023-03-03 Reel D
Bank of Ireland, The 2024-06-02 Reel D YouTube MP3
Beara Minstrel, The Reel D
Bonnie Kate 2023-07-15 Reel D
Boyne Hunt 2024-09-01 Reel D
Boys of Malin 2023-12-19 Reel D
Boys of the Lough, The 2019-12-23 Reel D
Bucks of Oranmore, The 2024-09-12 Reel D
Cameronian, The 2018-11-10 Reel D
Campbell's Farewell to Redcastle 2022-09-18 Reel D
Caribou Reel 2022-05-01 Reel D YouTube MP3
Concertina Reel, The 2023-09-18 Reel D
Crowley's Reel 1 2024-09-12 Reel D
Cup of Tea 2024-10-17 Reel D
Dairy Maid 2021-12-26 Reel D
Dash to Portobello, The 2019-12-23 Reel D
Dinky Dorian's 2019-02-07 Reel D
Dinkys Reel 2024-04-04 Reel D
Down by the Sally Gardens 2023-10-23 Reel D
Drowsy Maggie 2024-08-12 Reel D YouTube MP3
Drunken Landlady 2023-10-16 Reel D YouTube MP3
Drunken Piper, The Reel D YouTube MP3
Drunken Tinker 2019-11-10 Reel D
Earl's Chair, The 2024-09-12 Reel D YouTube MP3
Emilys Reel 2022-03-13 Reel D
Enchanted Lady 2024-07-27 Reel D
Fairy Dance, The 2024-03-08 Reel D YouTube MP3
Faremore Lasses (Lass of Carracastle?) 2019-12-08 Reel D
Farrel O'Gara 2023-12-19 Reel D
Father Kelly's 2024-09-01 Reel D YouTube MP3
Father O'Grady's Visit to Bocca Reel D
Fisherman's Island 2019-02-07 Reel D
Flax in Bloom, The 2019-10-06 Reel D
Flowing Bowl, The Reel D YouTube MP3
Glencolumbcille 2023-10-30 Reel D
Golden Keyboard 2022-09-11 Reel D
Gooseberry Bush, The 2023-10-02 Reel D
Grasshopper Sittin on a Sweet Potato Vine Reel D
Green Mountain 2022-04-24 Reel D
Hand Me Down the Tackle 2022-03-20 Reel D
High Drive, The 2023-03-03 Reel D
Holy Land 2024-07-27 Reel D
Humours of Ballyconnell 2024-03-08 Reel D
Humours of Scariff 2022-07-24 Reel D
Humours of Tulla 2024-07-22 Reel D
Imelda Roland's 2019-02-07 Reel D
Jackie Coleman's 2024-04-04 Reel D
James Byrnes Reel D
Jenny's Chickens 2024-08-18 Reel D
Jenny's Wedding 2024-09-01 Reel D YouTube MP3
John Kelly's College Groves 2022-10-16 Reel D
Killavil Reel 2024-06-30 Reel D
Killoran's Reel Reel D
Kitchen Girl 2018-11-11 Reel D
Lads of Laois, The 2023-10-30 Reel D
Lady on the Island, The 2023-11-14 Reel D
Larry Redican's Bow 2019-02-07 Reel D
Lass O' Patie's Mill 2018-10-15 Reel D
Launching of the Boat Reel D
Little Donald in the Pigpen Reel D
Lord Gordon's Reel 2020-03-08 Reel D
Lucy Campbells 2024-09-01 Reel D
Maggie's Pancakes 2022-01-16 Reel D
Maid Behind the Bar 2024-10-17 Reel D YouTube MP3
Man of the House, The 2023-11-14 Reel D
Martin Wynne's 2023-12-11 Reel D
Matt Molloy's Favourite 2023-01-22 Reel D
Mayor Harrison's Fedora 2019-07-07 Reel D
Merry Blacksmith, The 2024-09-12 Reel D YouTube MP3
Milky Way 2023-08-28 Reel D
Miss Monaghan 2024-09-01 Reel D
Money in Both Pockets 2023-04-16 Reel D
Morning Star 2018-11-11 Reel D
Mother and Child (The Yellow Cow) 2024-09-01 Reel D YouTube MP3
Mountain Road, The 2024-08-18 Reel D YouTube MP3
Mrs Crotty's Christening Reel D
Mrs MacPherson of Inveran 2018-11-29 Reel D
Mullingar Races, The Reel D
Music for a Found Harmonium 2022-02-20 Reel D
Musical Priest, The 2024-03-08 Reel D YouTube MP3
My Love Is in America 2024-09-01 Reel D
Nine Points of Roguery, The 2024-08-12 Reel D
O'Carolan's Concerto 2020-03-25 Reel D
Oak Tree 2019-01-06 Reel D
Old Grey Cat 2024-07-12 Reel D YouTube MP3
One That Was Lost, The 2023-11-07 Reel D
Opera Reel Reel D
Otter's Holt, The 2024-08-25 Reel D YouTube MP3
Over the Waterfall 2018-11-10 Reel D
Pigeon on the Gate, The 2024-08-25 Reel D YouTube MP3
Pinch of Snuff, The 2022-07-24 Reel D YouTube MP3
Pretty Peg Reel D
Raivlin Reel, The 2023-03-03 Reel D
Reel Dionne 2019-02-07 Reel D
Road Ahead, The 2018-11-29 Reel D
Road ta Houll, Da 2020-03-25 Reel D YouTube MP3
Road to Houll, Da 2020-03-01 Reel D
Roaring Mary 2023-10-20 Reel D
Roscommon Reel, The 2022-04-24 Reel D
Sailor on the Rock 2023-11-14 Reel D
Sailors Bonnet, The 2024-03-08 Reel D
Saint Anne's 2024-08-25 Reel D YouTube MP3
Saint Joseph, Reel du (Bellechasse) 2024-03-08 Reel D YouTube MP3
Salamanca 2023-10-02 Reel D YouTube MP3
Scholar, The 2024-09-01 Reel D
Seanbhean Na gCartai 2019-12-15 Reel D
Silver Spear 2024-09-12 Reel D YouTube MP3
Silver Spire, The 2019-04-14 Reel D
Skylark, The 2024-06-30 Reel D
Sleep Soond Ida Moarnin 2024-03-08 Reel D YouTube MP3
Spike Island Lasses, The Reel D
Step a Ti-Phonse Reel D
Stoney Steps Reel D
Sunny Banks 2019-12-23 Reel D
Sunset Reel 2022-05-22 Reel D
Thrush in the Morning, The 2018-12-09 Reel D
Toss the Feathers No 1 2024-09-12 Reel D YouTube MP3
Toss the Feathers No 2 2024-09-12 Reel D YouTube MP3
Trip to Durrow 2024-10-17 Reel D
Virginia, The 2019-12-23 Reel D
Whiskey Before Breakfast 2022-08-14 Reel D YouTube MP3
Wild Irishman, The Reel D
Willafjord 2024-07-12 Reel D YouTube MP3
Wind that Shakes the Barley, The 2024-09-01 Reel D YouTube MP3
Wise Maid, The 2024-07-22 Reel D
Woodchoppers Ball 2019-02-07 Reel D
Broken Pledge, The 2024-06-10 Reel Ddor
John Burke's Reel Reel Ddor
Jug of Punch 2019-03-17 Reel Ddor
McGreevy's Favourite Reel Ddor
Tuttle's Reel 2024-09-12 Reel Ddor
Maids of Mitchelstown, The 2024-09-29 Reel Dmin
Peat Fire Flame Reel Dmin
Bunch of Green Rushes, The 2020-02-09 Reel Dmix
Bunker Hill 2022-04-15 Reel Dmix
Collier's Reel 2024-09-01 Reel Dmix
Exile of Erin, The 2019-01-13 Reel Dmix
Holly Bush, The 2022-06-05 Reel Dmix
Last House in Connaught, The 2022-01-16 Reel Dmix
Ni Fios Reel Dmix
Old Bush, The 2024-09-29 Reel Dmix
Red Box, The Reel Dmix
Wheels of the World 2019-03-03 Reel Dmix
Within a Mile of Dublin 2023-09-18 Reel Dmix
MacArthur Road 2022-02-20 Reel E YouTube MP3
Beare Island Reel, The 2024-03-08 Reel Edor
Cabin Hunter, The Reel Edor
Devils Dream 2019-02-07 Reel Edor
Jackson's Reel 2022-08-21 Reel Edor
Lafferty's Reel 2024-06-02 Reel Edor
Miss Patterson's Slippers Reel Edor
Morning Dew 2024-08-18 Reel Edor
Reel With the Birl,The 2019-12-23 Reel Edor
Sean Frank Reels 2019-02-10 Reel Edor
Ships Are Sailing 2024-09-01 Reel Edor
Templehouse Reel, The 2024-07-22 Reel Edor
Tie the Bonnet Reel Edor
Tie the Ribbons 2019-12-23 Reel Edor
Scollay's Reel (Scully's) 2022-09-11 Reel Em YouTube MP3
Dancing Bear 2024-04-04 Reel Emin YouTube MP3
Hut in the Bog, The Reel Emin
Wizard's Walk, The 2018-11-10 Reel Emin
Devil in the Straw Stack 2024-04-04 Reel F
Julia Delaney's 2024-09-29 Reel F YouTube MP3
Ambrose Moloney's Reel Reel G
Andre a Toto 2019-11-03 Reel G
Aughacashel, The 2018-11-29 Reel G
Ballintore Fancy, The 2023-08-18 Reel G YouTube MP3
Baltimore Salute, The Reel G
Banshee, The 2024-06-10 Reel G YouTube MP3
Bill Harte's Reel 2019-07-07 Reel G
Bird in the Bush 2019-12-08 Reel G
Bloom of Youth, The Reel G
Bonnie Anne 2018-11-29 Reel G
Bothar Na Sop Reel G
Boys Of Ballisodare 2023-10-02 Reel G
Castle Kelly 2024-10-17 Reel G YouTube MP3
Catharsis 2019-12-15 Reel G
Chattering Magpie, The Reel G
Chicago Reel 2023-02-05 Reel G
Christmas Eve (Tommy Coen's) 2024-06-10 Reel G
Come West Along the Road 2021-10-31 Reel G
Congress Reel 2023-07-04 Reel G YouTube MP3
Conspiracy 2022-07-10 Reel G
Cooley's Reel 2024-09-12 Reel G YouTube MP3
Crooked Road, The 2024-06-10 Reel G
Cross of Inverness, The 2018-11-29 Reel G
Crosses of Annagh 2019-08-04 Reel G
Doctor Gilbert's 2022-08-21 Reel G YouTube MP3
Dogs Among the Bushes, The 2019-08-04 Reel G
Drag Her Round the Road 2024-09-12 Reel G
Duke of Leinster, The 2023-10-02 Reel G
Dunmore Lasses, The 2024-09-01 Reel G YouTube MP3
Evit Gabriel 2023-03-03 Reel G
Fairy, The Reel 2023-08-07 Reel G
Famous Reel of Ballymote, The 2019-02-07 Reel G
Farewell to Milltown Malbay 2023-10-30 Reel G
Feeding the Birds Reel G
Fermoy Lasses 2023-08-06 Reel G
Flogging, The 2022-01-16 Reel G
Flowers of Edinburgh 2024-07-12 Reel G YouTube MP3
Follow Me Down to Carlow 2019-12-23 Reel G
Fox Hunter 2024-02-29 Reel G YouTube MP3
Foxhunters, The Reel 2024-09-12 Reel G
Frank's Reel 2024-04-04 Reel G
Garrett Barry's - Reel 2022-03-06 Reel G
Gatehouse Maid, The 2024-03-08 Reel G
George White's Favourite 2024-09-12 Reel G
Glass Island 2024-04-04 Reel G
Gravel Walks, The 2024-07-12 Reel G YouTube MP3
Growling Old Man and Grumbling Old Woman 2020-03-25 Reel G YouTube MP3
Hold the Reins 2020-03-15 Reel G
Hunter's Purse, The 2024-03-08 Reel G
Hunters House 2024-06-10 Reel G
I'm Waiting For You Reel G
Inverinate House 2018-11-29 Reel G
Islay Rant Reel G
Jenny Nettles 2019-08-11 Reel G
Jenny Picking Cockles 2023-07-11 Reel G
John Naughtons 2022-02-27 Reel G
Kilmaley, The 2022-10-23 Reel G
Kiss the Maid Behind the Barrel 2019-10-20 Reel G
Kitty Goes a Milking 2023-10-02 Reel G
Knotted Cord, The 2020-01-05 Reel G
La Grand Chaine 2024-03-08 Reel G
Lad O' Beirne's 2019-02-07 Reel G
Larkin's Beehives 2019-12-23 Reel G
Laurel Tree, The 2024-09-01 Reel G YouTube MP3
Longford Collector, The 2024-03-08 Reel G
Maghera Mountain 2023-10-02 Reel G
Maudabawn Chapel 2019-12-08 Reel G
Merry Days of Easter Reel G
Milliner's Daughter, The 2023-06-17 Reel G
Miss Thornton's 2022-05-22 Reel G
Morgan Magan 2020-03-30 Reel G
Mouth of the Tobique 2024-07-12 Reel G YouTube MP3
Mrs McLeod of Rasay 2024-09-12 Reel G
Music in the Glen 2022-07-24 Reel G
New Copperplate, The 2024-03-08 Reel G
Nine Pint Coggie Reel G
Over the Hill 2018-12-23 Reel G
Over the Moor to Maggie 2024-08-18 Reel G
Paddy on the Turnpike 2019-02-07 Reel G
Peeler's Jacket, The (Flannel Jacket) 2024-06-10 Reel G YouTube MP3
Planxty George Brabizon 2019-04-21 Reel G
Planxty John Kelly 2021-07-11 Reel G
Poor But Happy at 53 (aka Michael Tennyson's) Reel G
Possum Up a Gump Stump 2019-11-03 Reel G
Red Haired Lass, The 2022-08-14 Reel G
Rookerie 2019-08-04 Reel G
Round the Horn 2018-11-10 Reel G
Rowsome's Reel G
Saint Kilda Wedding 2023-03-03 Reel G
Sally Gardens, The 2024-09-12 Reel G YouTube MP3
Sheehan's 2024-06-02 Reel G
Shoemaker's Daughter, The Reel G
Sligo Maid, The 2024-09-12 Reel G YouTube MP3
Spootiskerry 2024-07-12 Reel G YouTube MP3
Sporting Paddy 2024-09-29 Reel G YouTube MP3
Star Of Munster, The 2024-09-12 Reel G YouTube MP3
Swinging On A Gate 2024-09-29 Reel G YouTube MP3
Tarbolton Lodge 2024-03-08 Reel G YouTube MP3
Teatotallers Fancy 2023-01-08 Reel G
Temperance 2023-09-18 Reel G YouTube MP3
Tinker's Stick, The 2019-12-23 Reel G
Tom Morrison's Reel 2024-03-08 Reel G
Tommy People's 2022-04-10 Reel G
Trim the Velvet 2019-02-07 Reel G
Trip to Birmingham, The 2024-07-27 Reel G
Up to Your Knees in Sand 2020-01-19 Reel G
Woman of the House 2022-10-23 Reel G
Dowd's Favourite 2019-02-07 Reel Gdor
Eileen Curran Reel Gdor
Paddy Canny's Toast 2023-10-30 Reel Gdor
Splendid Isolation Reel Gdor
Paddy on the Landfill 2019-03-17 Reel Gmin
Bill McEvoy's Reel Gmix
Tommy Coen's Reel 2018-11-25 Reel Gmix
Bill the Weaver slide 2022-05-01 Slide
Dinny Delaneys 2023-07-11 Slide
Independence Trail 2020-03-01 Slide
Kerry Jig, The 2022-05-23 Slide
Sixteen Come Next Sunday 2022-05-23 Slide
Ton Double Gavotte 2022-07-24 Slide
Palm Sunday 2024-08-25 Slide Adorian YouTube MP3
Across the Road 2022-04-03 Slide D
Dawley's Delight 2019-12-23 Slide D
Denis Murphy's Slide 2024-09-29 Slide D YouTube MP3
Dingle Regatta, The 2023-06-13 Slide D
Road to Lisdoonvarna, The 2024-08-18 Slide D YouTube MP3
Brosna Slide (Lonesome Road to Dingle) 2024-09-29 Slide G
If I Had a Wife 2019-12-23 Slide G
Merrily Kissed The Quakers Wife 2024-07-22 Slide G YouTube MP3
O'Keefe's Slide 2024-09-29 Slide G YouTube MP3
Rosie Finn's Favourite 2022-05-23 Slide G
Star Above the Garter 2024-09-01 Slide G
Weaver and His Wife, The 2018-11-29 Slide G
Choice Wife, The (An Phis Fhliuch) 2024-09-01 Slip
Give Us a Drink of Water 2024-06-30 Slip
Humours of Whiskey 2023-08-14 Slip
Michael Gormans 2022-05-23 Slip
Moll Roe 2023-08-06 Slip
Ride a Mile 2021-11-07 Slip
Rocky Road to Dublin 2022-06-19 Slip
Cathal McConnell's (Cock and the Hen) 2022-02-13 Slip A
Redicans Mother 2024-06-30 Slip D
Soggy's 2019-12-15 Slip Jig A
Happy Traveler, The 2020-01-05 Slip Jig C
Battle of the Somme, The 2018-11-29 Slip Jig D
Butterfly, The 2024-08-18 Slip Jig D YouTube MP3
Comb Your Hair and Curl It 2019-12-23 Slip Jig D
Elizabeth Kellys Delight 2024-08-18 Slip Jig D
Foxhunter, The Slip Jig 2022-01-09 Slip Jig D
Heights of Dargai, The 2018-11-29 Slip Jig D
Hunting the Hare 2022-07-03 Slip Jig D
Kiss in the Furze (Rakes of Westmeath) 2020-04-24 Slip Jig D YouTube MP3
Little Fair Cannavans (Na Ceannabhain Bhana) 2024-09-29 Slip Jig D YouTube MP3
Snowy Path 2024-06-10 Slip Jig D
Whinny Hills of Leitrim 2, The (D) 2024-03-08 Slip Jig D YouTube MP3
Last Night's Fun 2024-03-08 Slip Jig Dmix
Emmigrant Jig, The Slip Jig Edor
Fig for a Kiss, A 2024-08-25 Slip Jig Edor YouTube MP3
Dever the Dancer 2021-11-07 Slip Jig Em YouTube MP3
Drops of Brandy 2024-08-12 Slip Jig G YouTube MP3
Dusty Miller 2024-06-10 Slip Jig G YouTube MP3
Hardiman the Fiddler 2024-09-01 Slip Jig G YouTube MP3
Humours of Derrycrossane 2019-04-21 Slip Jig G
Kid On The Mountain, The 2024-06-10 Slip Jig G YouTube MP3
Wallop the Cat From the Table 2019-12-15 Slip Jig G
Whinny Hills Of Leitrim 1, The (G) 2024-09-29 Slip Jig G YouTube MP3
Will You Come Down to Limerick 2019-04-21 Slip Jig G
Summer Will Come (tiochfaidh an Samrhadh) 2022-05-23 Song
Ye Jacobites By Name Song Am
Bonnie Ship the Diamond Song C
Come Out, Ye Black and Tans Song C
Courtin in the Kitchen Song C
Mermaid, The Song C
South Australia Song C YouTube MP3
Whiskey in the Jar Song C
Across the Western Ocean Song D YouTube MP3
Bedlam Boys Song D YouTube MP3
Boys from the County Cork Song D
Broad Black Brimmer Song D
Foggy Dew 2020-03-25 Song D
Hills of Connemara, The Song D YouTube MP3
Misty Moisty Morning Song D
Rattlin' Bog, The 2021-10-10 Song D
Saucy Sailor Song D
Johnny Jump Up Song Dm
Fields of Athenry, The 2013-12-10 Song F
Red is the Rose Song F
Rising of the Moon Song F
All For Me Grog Song G
Ash Grove, The 2020-03-25 Song G
Drunken Sailor Song G
I'll Tell Me Ma Song G
Paper of Pins Song G
Star of the County Down 2023-07-04 Song G YouTube MP3
Bright Hollow Fog 2022-10-23 Strathspey
Con McGinleys Highland 2020-04-28 Strathspey
Highlanders Farewell 2022-05-22 Strathspey
Machine Without Horses, The Strathspey
McPhaedran's Strathspey Strathspey
Forbes Morrison Strathspey A
Lime Hill Strathspey A
Stumpie 2018-11-29 Strathspey A
Top o' the Grampians, The Strathspey A
New Rigged Ship, Da 2023-02-05 Strathspey Ador YouTube MP3
Piper o' Dundee, The Strathspey Ador
Cutting Bracken 2018-11-29 Strathspey Amin
They Stole My Wife From Me Last Night Strathspey Amin
Devil in the Kitchen, The 2020-04-28 Strathspey D
Duncan Davidson 2021-04-27 Strathspey D
Fingal's Cave 2021-04-27 Strathspey D YouTube MP3
First Light 2020-05-13 Strathspey D YouTube MP3
Quiet Man, The 2020-03-25 Strathspey Dmin
John Roy Stewart Strathspey F
Coilsfield House Strathspey G
Minstrel Boy 2019-02-08 Strathspey G
Orange and Blue Strathspey G
Stella's Trip to Kamloops 2020-03-01 Strathspey G
Warlock, The Strathspey G
Cam Ye Oer Frae France 2020-01-06 ThreeTwo D YouTube MP3
Ashokan Farewell 2024-03-08 Waltz
Calum Sgaire 2022-05-23 Waltz
Captain McGuire 2023-02-05 Waltz
Eagles Whistle 2022-07-03 Waltz
Eleanor Plunkett 2023-04-16 Waltz
Fine Toast to Hewlett 2022-03-20 Waltz
Lord Inchiquin 2022-09-11 Waltz
Munster Cloak 2021-07-11 Waltz
My Own House Waltz 2020-03-01 Waltz
Planxty Hewlett 2023-01-22 Waltz
Mrs Jamiesons Favourite 2018-11-29 Waltz A
Idir Deighric Agus Breo 2023-06-18 Waltz Amix
Citi Na gCumann 2020-03-06 Waltz C YouTube MP3
Welcome the Bee 2020-03-01 Waltz C
Amelia's Waltz Waltz D YouTube MP3
Cadair Idris 2020-03-01 Waltz D YouTube MP3
Crested Hens 2022-07-24 Waltz D
Far Away Waltz 2024-03-08 Waltz D YouTube MP3
Johsefin's Dopvals 2019-02-07 Waltz D
Leaving Friday Harbor 2018-10-15 Waltz D
Lochanside 2018-11-29 Waltz D
Mull of the Mountains 2018-11-29 Waltz D
Si Bheag Si Mhor 2024-08-25 Waltz D YouTube MP3
Sourgrass and Granite 2024-03-08 Waltz D YouTube MP3
Dark Island, The 2023-03-03 Waltz G
Fair Bird (Y Deryn Pur) Waltz G YouTube MP3
Inis Oírr (Inisheer) 2024-09-12 Waltz G
Marino Waltz G
Skye Boat 2022-07-03 Waltz G YouTube MP3
South Wind, The Waltz G
Tabhair Dom Do Lamh (Give Me Your Hand) 2024-08-25 Waltz G YouTube MP3
Tennessee Waltz 2023-10-20 Waltz G YouTube MP3
Tommy Bhetty`s Waltz 2019-02-08 Waltz G
Trip We Took Over the Mountain, The 2021-10-31 Waltz G
Your Gentle Touch 2020-05-07 Waltz G

Hosted @ HR